Usability tests

The usability test is a method of verifying the functionality of the website, application, or other digital product by observing real users when they perform tasks. The aim is to discover uncertainties and opportunities to improve the overall user experience.

Why is usability testing so important?

The usability tests are conducted by real users who discover problems that designers and product owners can no longer identify because they have too good knowledge of the product.

Attracting new users to perform usability tests is an effective way to determine whether your potential users:

  • Understand how your site or product works, do not make mistakes or mull;
  • Key tasks can be performed.

Their kinds of tests are crucial with new products or new design updates.

The usability test shall be organized on-site with real users during which the driver organizes the test process and communicates with the test participant, while the test observer shall make comments which can then be analyzed to develop recommendations and advice.

100% of usability tests are successful.

During the test, you test the application or digital product, not the user.